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Obstetrics - ERPM Prosperity Course 2021

Created by Authorized Instructor
₨ 900

  • - Pay per session facility -
  • - Full lifetime access -
  • - Access on Mobile and Tablet -

Dear ERPM Students

Obstetrics and Gynaecology are two intermingled subjects which are highly clinical and are highly demanding in nature.

Basic understanding of physiological processes which are unique to female as well as pregnancy is very important in order to diagnose pathologies which needs medical attention.

Clinical skills which should be mastered by each individual medical officer regrdless of where he works in the world are evolving day by day. Similarly the skills which are embedded in the discipline of obstetrics and gynaecology needs to be learnt by a student before mastered and updated with new skills.

Like all other clinical fields, the knowledge and understanding of diseases, as well as our own physiology, are constantly changing in obstetrics and gynaecology too. It is our humble request for you to take part in this learning process with utmost respect and dedication, so you would one day become a respectable medical officer in the world.

Lecturer: Dr. Sampath Wickramasinghe

Next live session,
Date: Update soon | Time: Update soon

Payment Terms,
01. Total Course - Rs. 9000/=

Note: For new users, a registration fee (Rs.500/=) will be added.

02. Pay per session - Rs. 900/= per session

Note: For new users, a registration fee (Rs.500/=) will be added.


₨ 900

  • - Pay per session facility -
  • - Full lifetime access -
  • - Access on Mobile and Tablet -